For people that haven’t spend money on purchasing branded shoes before, they would be wondering why do the others want to spend so much money just on shoes. Although they are not wrong, the branded shoe industry has been growing and never declined before.
Take a closer look into all the aspect that made luxury branded shoes have the word stamped in it apart from the usual shoes you can get everywhere. The purpose behind the scenes will educate the customer market about why you want to pay extra bucks for the creation of these products.

Could a luxury brand just imply raise price of flat shoes to the customer just because of the logo? Yes and no. Ladies shoe shop is a highly arguable topic why the expensive and high price tag question hasn’t been answered in the fashion industry for decades.
Several brands have an understandable higher price tag for the reason that the brands provide distinct and quality sandals for women. In some cases, luxury brands use scarce material just to produce something for the customers.

Paying for The Craftmanship
One of the reasons that cause shoe price to rocket sky high is because that when you are purchasing the heels online, you are also paying the time and energy for the people behind that has spent onto creating that specific product.
Flat shoe designers usually spent months slaving design over one product, and they often did their best in order to perfect it. The distinct difference in woman designer shoes is that are just more than a simple pair of shoes.
Better Durability
Compare to the typical shoe store you can find easily everywhere. Branded shoes are able to charge at a higher price is because they are using materials. For instance, Pazzion Malaysia has been using good quality leather to make every pair of their shoes.
Online ladies shoes have been sourcing and using quality grade materials to product a pair of shoes. The cost of these materials is already expensive. Thus, it isn’t a bad thing that branded shoe charge you see on their price tag. As the product is going to last longer as well.

In the high-end fashion industry, the products are made and manufactured closer to the brand origination location. Oppose to mass-produce shoes you can found in China. Luxury brands have higher qualities and fewer quantities, which made the cost of producing to hike up.
Other than that, shipment and transportation are not affordable either. As leather shoes require a certain standard from transporting in order not to destroy the quality.
Another point would be ladies shoe shop in the industry has spent the enormous budget on their marketing and promotion. Especially on social media and digital presence nowadays. The higher the cost of marketing, the higher the retail price.

These brands also understand that what customers are expecting, as the product and brand portrayed in the advertising is high class towards the end, customers could expect a special price tag for the product.
Branded goods provide exclusivity and social status. Just like any other branded products, people purchase and use them for the quality and also letting the others that they are using the product. Fashion is all about the brand label, a name which price couldn’t affect much.
Branded shoes also have the best brick and mortar stores to provide top-notch servicing to their customers such as professional staff, packaging and fulfilment.